I've lost love.
Bob Goff wrote recently. "We're all amatures at love and acceptance. Don't be too hard on each other."
This got to me. I feel as though I have failed at love in this season. I have lost love.
Lost how to love. How to receive love. How to love while holding nothing back. Love comes at a cost and for so long I sold myself to love others.
And in this season I want to learn to love me so I can love others again. It's hard. It's so hard. I have no idea how to do this well.
It's scary to think and feel like I have let every single person down. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't enough and I promised too much. I'm sorry.
I am learning so much right now and I know this process will be worth it but a lot of days it's just hard and it just hurts.
I want to find Love again.